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Danielle Davidson

Lead Consultant

(850) 217-1725

My Story

Greetings All!

I am and always have been a huge fan of Scentsy products. I discovered Scentsy many, many years ago through a friend that sold the product.; From day one, I was hooked :). I have Scentsy products in every single room of my house and absolutely love everything about the product. The quality is top notch and my promise to you is that if you are new to Scentsy, you will not be disappointed.

I have been an independent Scentsy consultant for about six years now and absolutely love my customers, the company, Scentsy products and everything about my journey so far.

I would like to thank you all in advance for supporting my small business and my wonderful journey with Scentsy. Without each of you, I would not be successful. I am so very thankful!

What's warming in my home